Garden Entry June 26, 2013


Things around here are very busy now. By the end of the season things should fall back into a slower pace.

We have a few new chickens. Planted a lot of stuff we lost during the well pump disaster where we lost the entire season’s first crops of veggies.

No point crying over spilled greens. Just have to pick ourselves back up and replant everything. I bought a couple of year’s worth of seeds so I don’t mind using more than I had originally allotted myself where planting is concerned.

We bought a couple of new hens over the weekend to add to our flock. Our main egg layer passed away suddenly a few days ago so our flock has really been suffering.

One of my main 2013 goals has been to live a greener life. That goes all the way down to the animals living greener lives as well. One of my dreams is to be an Urban Homesteader. Growing my own foods and having animals that are happy living here with us suits me just fine.

Some of the ways I went more green this year are:

1.) Closely reading the labels of common brands of breakfast and nutrition bars that my daughter likes and comparing them to better quality ones that are more filling and less sugary sweet.
2.) More composting of veggies, grass cuttings, leaves, and coffee grounds.
3.) Learning the hard way about using Gluten free products. When I eat processed foods such as snack cakes in a hurry I break out into an instant rash on my hands and palms that I never noticed before.
4.) Hypoallergenic beauty care products.
5.) More natural dog and pet care products and adding more real meat to their diet with wheat grass juice and greens in it.
6.) Got rid of chemical cleansers and switched to more natural ways of cleaning. Better for the environment and safer on my hands.
7.) Converting to all organic products in the yard and garden.
8.) Added more fresh greens in our diets and on the days we do consume small amounts of meat we also have sides of greens and green smoothies.
9.) Almond Milk and other nut milks replaced most store bought brands of milk.
10.) Using container gardens have been a real asset during planting season.

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Summer Bounty


photo copyright Japan Aquaponics. Respectfully.

It is hard to imagine that it has rained for almost two months straight!

It is so beautiful and lush green here now. The majestic mountains and green valley is inviting after six months of bitterness and cold. Everything is in motion now. The insects, birds, deer, turkey, even our pets here at our Mountain Creek Home are on the move. Our hearts beat as one with the divine mother earth as she shields and protects us. Reminding us once again that the cycle of life must carry on. And after every death comes a new life.

I took the last few weeks of winter and bought another greenhouse. That makes 3 now.

The chickens have taken over the largest of them for shelter away from the night time predators. They like the doors closed at night for extra protection.

Now that the two smaller greenhouses are full I am ready to take on another project.

This time I am going to do an Aquaponics garden inside. Nothing fancy mind you- just something small to start out. I love growing our food. I have a dream hidden in the back of my mind that is of opening my own farm stand that has fresh greens and micro-greens that opens for lunch and dinner and consists of a few picnic tables out in the open where people can see us preparing the healthy foods.

Feelings of being alone and isolated during the winter months have now been replaced by busy work. The beauty of the cardinal’s singing first thing in the morning as they search for food and then head to the feeders.  This light allows us to benefit from this special time.

A time of enticement for everything on earth. Even during the hours of night it is warm now. There is so many sweet fragrant smells in the air now. Lifted around the town by a gentle rolling breeze in the late afternoon and evening. It smells like a beautiful floral perfume.

The honey and carpenter bees are in full throttle and occasionally misplace themselves and bump into us accidentally reminding us once again that nobody or bee is perfect. I have placed them small saucers of sweets and water so they won’t get confused and fall into the dog water buckets.

This is a wild place.

And it gets wilder every day ❤

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New greenhouse and planting time


Hello lovelies!

It is a beautiful day here at the farm.

The whole community is now in action mowing their grass, planting fields of veggies and cropping the last bails of hay from winter.

This year I have decided to pick myself up by the seat of my pants and plant some rows of blackberries where the grapes once lived. We are also making some raised beds around the yard. I may go as far as planting some blackberries down at the creek to help feed the animals that live down there for next year. I can’t wait to get things moving!

As the farming tradition would have it in my family I have planted hundreds of things for this growing season. Some have already sprouted. Life is about being creative. Especially when gardening. Using my imagination when it comes to planting ideas.

I bought another small (okay teeny) greenhouse to hold the rest of the plants now that I have turned the big greenhouse over to the chickens as their new winter-spring home.

Here we have a lot of varmints that would love to eat them so for their own safety they have to stay locked up at night. The animals of the wild don’t know any better but that still doesn’t make it okay to eat my precious baby chicks on a hunger whim.

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The CT shooting- A lesson for us all


In light of the CT shooting by the 20 year old austic boy I have decided to change today’s theme and entry to this subject instead.

The more information we have on the shooter the more we tend to sympathize with his poor mother. She must have been going through a lot. Having a special needs child is very hard. Not in the way you think that it is because there is so much more than just caring for the child that needs done. It can be overwhelming and emotionally and physically exhausting. What was she needing to protect herself from with all of those guns? Did she have some sort of inner fear?

I read that she went to a bar three times per week for salads but stayed for a couple of drinks afterward, and very seldom discussed her son while there. Sometimes parents just want to take a break. Not from parenting or from loving their special needs children but just a break from the fast paced hectic life of special needs. It becomes a whole different world of people judging, blaming, condemning, it can go on and on without end.

Public schools are supposed to be safe havens for our children and for the children of tomorrow. As parents we need to feel that they are being taken care of when they are away from us. When/if tragedy does ever happen we wonder “what happened?” how could something like this have happened? And why on earth would that mother (or any mother not in the military doing service work) need an assault rifle?
Because it isn’t a common everyday pistol or gun that every housewife should have. And especially not a mother with an austic special needs child in the home. It just isn’t safe. It doesn’t matter who has been taught to use it properly. When it comes to special needs there is no day to day normal pattern that can be adapted to work from. I read in the article that she hired a babysitter nad told her not to ever turn her back on him when she was there. What kind of life would that be to live for her and for another every day to always have to watch your back like you are in a prison block. I just can’t imagine.

I chose to homeschool my daughter because she was getting picked on and bullied every day at achool. It is a tough job. I don’t see how the mother could work full time plus try to special needs homeschool.
Homeschooling itself can sometimes be draining.

It calls for us all to do some deeply religious soul searching right now. I read another article that said all of these terrible things are happening because so much of humanity has left the various forms of religion altogether. Now the world is turning into a Godless lot.

We moved to the country to get away from the high crime and busy city. It has been a godsend for us and it has been very healing to two wounded light workers. My daughter is coming into her own sense of personhood with her likes and dislikes. She is becoming a woman and needs to not ever have to feel like a helpless victim or be vulnerable to bad people. No matter what form they may come in.

We have put into placed a disaster plan of action in case we are out in public someday (hopefully never) and how to deal with the possibility of what could happen and how to get away quickly.

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It “owns” us

Sometimes when we move to a special place we love it so much that we never want to leave it. In this we develop deep feelings regarding our little home place; which creates an attachment. We become attached thinking that we “own” the thing but really, it is owning us. When we leave the place our feelings are profound. we become sad and develop homesickness. Which is a kind of dreamy separation anxiety about wanting to return home once again.

When we are in this situation we can’t see the joy or good in moving on or moving forward with our lives. When we move against the flow disorder and chaos prevail. I have seen this arise within myself four times in my life. And I think the great wheel is spinning again.

I feed the wildlife here in the winter time but I don’t “own” them. Hunters remind of this again and again every year.

I care for this place but I don’t “own” it. And sometimes I view it with a critical eye because I am angry at the outcome of broken dreams that never materialized for myself from the life I have made here. I didn’t make the tough decisions, they were made for me by others and I simply went along with them. This never works out for those involved. Nobody should take a backseat in their own life. One should never give another control over their life.

Lost Dreams of a failed relationship. Lost dreams of growing old with friends. Lost dreams of completion and of finishing things I started.

I have accompished some of my life goals, but with not one single ounce of help from anyone else. I have had to fight and struggle the whole way. Now I am at the point where I relax and let nature take its course. It is scary to build up enough courage to live freely.

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Choosing my Life Ingredients


photo credit


This is the week when we begin to look at the world through a fresh set of eyes and begin to make choices. 

It’s the week when we become master chefs and choose the appropriate ingredients for the gourmet meal we want to create. 

Look at the people you encounter throughout the day and choose the characteristics, personality traits, behaviors, and lifestyles that you admire about them.

Write them down and say why you chose that ingredient. 
1. I admire and chose Blake Lively because of her flirty and preppy bohemian fashion style. She is an icon right now. She always looks fabulous on Gossip girl and I feel drawn to her magnetic and stylish wardrobe. She uses soft fabrics, and neutral colors that look vintage and beautiful when she’s on or off the show.
2. I chose Leonie Dawson because she heads up our Goddess circle and keeps us all accountable for our goals with her amazing day-planners.
Plus she knows how to juggle business with family life really well. She is inspiring, healing, and very good at helping women achieve their dreams.

You can identify people in your family, your friends, colleagues, and even famous people – anyone. 

Choose from them the things that you want to incorporate in your life. In the same way that not all ingredients are appropriate for all recipes, not all of the characteristics that you see are appropriate for you. 

Just choose the ones you want. 

I choose better fashion sense. A more upscale wardrobe than jeans, and yoga pants every day. More bohemian fashions that are soft and flowy but not cheap or skimpy looking.

I choose to organize my wardrobe better and also my bills-past and present into some form of binders to keep everything up to date. Tax receipts are in order and I am keeping them accurate.

Don’t choose only what is ‘realistic’ in your mind, choose big and choose what your heart really desires. 

My Frame of Mind Coaching entry for today.

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What Gifts Reside here?


photo credit

1. What Gifts did I bring to this place?

One of the gifts is my writng about this special place and how liberated I feel by living here. Being able to share my experiences through my journal, through art, photography, and through mixed media delights.

2. What Gifts have I received from living here in this wonderful place?

Living at the other place in the City a part of me was suffering. Stagnant. Bored. Uncreative.

I feel as if I have been reborn from the womb of creation.

Every day is a new opportunity to share my love of the land with others.

I have learned to open my heart where all wildlife is concerned. Not just the pretty ones such as the deer, redbirds and butterflies, but the skunks and raccoons as well.

Being given lovely gifts and offerings from nature, and returning my gratitude to the land and the animals here by giving offerings back to them and creating lovely treasures for my family from the gifts we have received.

This isn’t a place of mindless wandering. It is a place of creative spirit.

This week is an incredible opportunity to start looking at life through a unique lens. In each moment of our lives, in every situation, we can look at life and ask 2 powerful questions: what gift did I bring to this moment? And, what gift did I receive in this moment?

Looking at life through this lens allows us to find peace and joy in every moment, regardless of the situation, whether we perceive that situation to be “good” or “bad.” The reality of life is that there really is no “good” or “bad” – there’s just life happening and we attach meaning to life’s unfolding. The discovery of this process is that we can choose the meaning that we attach to everything and we can choose meanings that serve us. This week, challenge yourself to find the “good” in every aspect of your life, from the most mundane, to the most difficult and most obvious aspects of your life.

Each day, write about the gifts you received and the gifts you gave in as many moments or situations throughout the day as possible. Write about the “good” but also challenge yourself to find gifts in moments or situations that you perceive to be “bad.” Remember to write about both the gift you gave and the gift you received for each situation. These gifts can be as simple as giving your gift of attention, or receiving the feeling of being understood. There is no right or wrong answer.

My Frame of Mind Coaching entry for today.

Posted in Animal Conservation, Dreams, EARTH EXCHANGE, Frame of Mind Coaching, Life Goals, Meigs County Tennessee, Mountain Creek Home, Nature, Outdoors, Ten Mile Tennessee, Uncategorized, Wildlife Conservation, Wounded Nature | Leave a comment



When we came to this place I wanted something of my own to call home. A place where my daughter could make friends and grow up.

My family and I had been living out of boxes for years.
One of the reasons is we really didn’t want to put down roots where we lived before.  I want to buy this place. I want a place where we could put down roots and leave a legacy at. I want to do some women’s circles. I want the area down at the creek to be warm and inviting for all who visit it. Deer included. I want protection from the hunters down there.

You have heard me a few times mention this place was wounded when we moved here.

A few decades ago the people that lived here were busy at work. Someone came and stole most of their livestock and when the guy tried to catch them but the tire on his motorcycle blew out and he wrecked. The man died and had no next of kin to save the rest of his animals that got left behind from the animal thieves so they starved to death. There are mixed stories regarding this ordeal. It was a couple of years later that the city discovered there was no one else that could have done anything sooner.

Every nature walk turns up sun bleached cattle or deer bones unearthed from behind rocks and small native plants. Upon looking into the old abandoned shed there was the skeleton of a deer that had been shot and managed to get away from the hunter only to die in the corner of the shed alone. Being an animal lover I feel outraged.

Was it the mother or father to the deer that live here now? It had to be. One of the biggest obstacles that we have living here is that the hunters have no regard for the property lines. How can I make a difference here and heal this wounded place? How can I give back to nature in some grand way. Just being here and saying prayers seems to help my troubled mind. Does it help the animals as well? I hope so.

There have been three deer born since I moved here. A set of twins the second time because the mother had plenty of food during the winter.

Since being here I have transformed from the nervous work-a-holic tendencies to dancing my way through life. Connecting more to spirit and being guided to write more books and share my wisdom with others in my Reiki newsletters and classes. I have become so involved in healing and bettering myself that I haven’t posted any personal videos in a very long time. I am only interested in the love of this place.

Posted in Animal Conservation, Global Earth Exchange, Hunting, Inspiration, Meigs County Tennessee, Mountain Creek Home, Nature, Outdoors, Ten Mile Tennessee, White Tailed Deer, Wildlife Conservation, Wishes, Wounded Nature | Leave a comment

Ten things I Love About Fall


Ten Things I love about Fall


1. Apple cider

2. hot chocolate

3.Warm breakfast

4. Cozy blankets

5. Campfires

6. Pumpkins

7. Shopping for Holiday supplies

8. The leaves turning Red

9. Fall Festivals

10. Hay rides down long back roads

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Top Ten Necessary Items in an Emergency

1. Emergency water

An emergency water supply is one of the most important things you can have in your home during and after a disaster.

Oftentimes, blackouts prevent water treatment facilities from operating properly and having an emergency clean drinking water supply can help you stay-put and ride out a disaster at your home without worrying about where your next drink will come from.

Dehydration is common during disasters and having a supply of emergency water can prevent this from occurring. This is especially important for those of us who have medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension.

Keep a supply of emergency water in your home, and your car. One gallon of water per person per day is best, but in a pinch, a five to seven gallon container can usually get you by until you find a clean water source. Use clean water bottles and containers. If you must, clean out your bathtub and fill it up with water!

2. Emergency water filter

Mini water filtration/purification units are now available at low cost, and some are small enough to be carried in your personal toolkit.

You never know where you might wind up after a disaster and the safety of your source of water may be questionable. A small water filter/purifier can solve this problem by allowing you to always have safe drinking water. The following filters are some of the best portable filters available:

SteriPEN Adventurer Opti Handheld UV Water Purifier
SteriPEN Prefilter,
Katadyn Hiker PRO Water Microfilter,
MSR SweetWater Microfilter Water Filter
MSR Miniworks EX Water Filter,

If you don’t have the cash for a filter, always remember to boil all questionable water before drinking.

3. Emergency food

You need to have at least a week of emergency food to ride out a large scale disaster. 72 hours is NOT enough. Most of the Katrina survivors I encountered in 2005 needed emergency food rations nearly two weeks AFTER the event.

Buy non-perishable canned items, preferably food you don’t need to cook but is high in nutritional content. Freeze dried hikers meals are a bit on the expensive side but delicious and easy to prepare. Military Meals Ready To Eat (MRE’s) are also another option. You can also learn how to dehydrate and can your own food too.

4. First-aid

A first-aid kit is another essential item. It should contain band-aids, antibacterial cream, antiseptic /disinfectant wipes, Tylenol, Motrin, Asprin, tweezers, a small roll of medical tape, small dental emergency kit, gauze and other items that can help you to treat scrapes, insect stings, splinters, small eye injuries and a number of other minor injuries. If you are allergic to insect stings, your first-aid kit should also include an Epi-pen Auto-Injector (epinephrine) to avoid anaphylaxis. Adventure Medical Kits makes some of the best available. If you need prescription medication, you should keep extra refills in your kit.

5. Multi-tool

A good multi-tool is an item that you should “never leave home without! Most models contain a strong pliers, folding knife, small saw, metal file, hole punch, Phillips and flat head screwdriver, wood saw, wire cutter – and for some scissors. They range in price from $10 dollars (less in some $.99 cet stores) to $120. Whatever you pay, recognize that it is worth the price. During disasters, a good multi-tool is an indispensable item that cannot be undervalued.
6. LED Flashlights (preferably hand crank, solar or shakelight)

You should own one or several LED flashlights. I say several because they are now so inexpensive and readily available that there is no reason to only own one. Make sure you purchase lots of extra batteries when you buy them. It should be durable, and non-incendive meaning simply that it cannot spark an explosion.

Non-incendive flashlights are typically waterproof and they are typically rubberized and sealed with “O” rings to prevent the accidental ignition of flammable gases and vapors by static charges or electrical sparks generated on the outside or, inside of the flashlight. Some of the best L.E.D. lights available are manufactured by BoGoLight favorite), Inova, Fenix, and Streamlight.

Even better are the hand crank models. They don’t need batteries & only a few winds on the crank will power them up to operate. They are easily recharged by winding the crank. The only drawback is that the hand crank models are not waterproof or, non-incendiary. They are also more delicate because of their mechanics. The magnetic shake lights are great, but must be kept isolated from credit cards, I-pods & computers due to their strong magnetic fields. The easiest way to balance this is to carry both types! Their compact size low price and light weight makes it possible. I carry two at all times with no problem.

7. Personal hygiene kit

Personal hygiene is one of the first things to go in a large disaster, and maintaining YOUR personal hygiene during disasters and emergencies is of the highest order. You CAN survive without it but … why try if you don’t have to? Toothbrushes, travel-sized tubes of toothpaste, deodorant bottles or, cans along with hand sanitizer and wipes can all be carried in small pouch. In addition, you should have a generous supply of wipes on hand, feminine products and whatever else you need to keep yourself fresh and clean.

8. Lighter/matches

You never know when you’ll need to light a fire for warmth, to cook, boil water, or even sterilize medical equipment. You should also carry some extra “fuel” for your fire in the form of what is called “tinder” and a sparking device (magnesium) just in case your lighter malfunctions & your matches don’t work. Cotton balls dipped in petroleum jelly work great! place them in a small plastic bag, squeeze out the air, roll or flatten them up and you are good to go. I carry a small “tea” candle and special trick birthday candles that can’t be blown out.

9. Emergency hand crank radio

When disasters strike, you will need to stay informed. Your cellular phone may not work due to downed towers or high levels of traffic but a radio will. Hand crank multi-band radios are best.

9. Duct tape

You may laugh if you recall some of the crazy things people did with duct tape after the anthrax attacks of 2001, but it is truly one of the most useful items in your kit.

10. Cordage

550-pound test paracord is a must own item. It allows you to have the ability to tie down or hang items with high strength line that won’t break.

Grab and go

In addition to the above items, you should also own a “Grab & Go” bag. In many cases, emergencies and disasters produce extreme conditions that may require a rapid evacuation of your home, and if you are at work, your office. When this occurs, you will need more equipment and material that can be carried in an E-kit. This additional gear must be stored in a large backpack called a Grab & Go or, G&G bag for short.

What a G&G bag should contain:

A G&G-bag contains all of the items (food, shelter, first-aid etc.) that you and your family would need to survive a disaster for a basic minimum of seven days (hence 72 hour kit).

Many emergencies extend well beyond seven days. This is why we suggest that you pack enough supplies to last for a longer time period (one to two weeks). This will increase the weight & size of your bag – but, the extra food & other items will more than make up for the added size & weight.

Also, as time passes, the weight of the bag will reduce with the consumption of the food and other perishable items in the bag. You will also need to include duplicates (or originals) of all your most important records (insurance, will etc.) and even valued pictures.

NEVER BUY PRE-ASSEMBLED G&G BAGS -They should ALWAYS be assembled by the user.

Pre-packaged bags are designed for people that are too lazy to take the time to learn how to construct their own personalized pack.

Most of the time, they are usually stuffed with low-end equipment and useless filler items like flimsy, faux Swiss Army knives and flashlights that are designed to trick the consumers into believing that they have actually purchased something of value.

Do yourself a favor – take the time to design and pack your own.

THE BEST TYPES OF G&G BAGS – Without question, backpacks are the best type of bags for 72-hour kits. You must choose a high quality bag to secure your survival materials.

They should be selected for strength & durability, storage capacity, weight, function and, water resistance. A rain cover can be purchased to protect your gear. A good strong large trash bag can also do the trick in a pinch.

For an additional edge of protection against moisture, waterproof bags used by white water rafters and special ops in the military called dry bags such as the Armor Bags dry backpack shown at screen left can also be purchased. They are completely waterproof.

The downside is that they are usually either very expensive or, they are constructed from vinyl and sacrifice strength for waterproofing.

G&G Bags for the physically challenged or, injured – Your choice of backpack or bag for your G&G bag is determined by your specific needs. If you are physically challenged or injured, you will not be able to use a backpack.

If this is the case, there are a number of alternative ways to carry your gear. You will need to use a combination of different types of bag to substitute for a larger backpack.

With the right mix, you will be able to haul quite a bit of gear and supplies. Not as much as a backpack, because of weight limitations, but more than enough to help you in an extended crisis.

Your first bag should be a large messenger bag. They can be slung over the shoulder and placed on the lap for easy access to your essential items such as flashlights, tools, water or medicine. The next bag should be a wheelchair bag. These bags have straps that can be slung around wheelchair seat posts. Adaptable designs Inc. sells a great model called “Jazz” It has deep multi-pockets and room for more important gear.

These are the things we must begin to collect to help make our households and community safe and prepared for any emergency. There is no longer any time to wait.

copyright respectfully.

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